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Redesigning My Site
It is bold of me to say (bold because months could go by before I actually get around to it) that I am going to re-design this site. Right now, it is on the beautiful, CSS based, standards compliant, template designed by Douglas (Stopdesign) Bowman. It’s a great template, but being a designer, and one that hopes to master CSS layout, I shall have to create my own. The thing that worries me at this point, is that I am going to want to include information other than my blog on the site, such as a portfolio of my work, some experimental design, some articles, etc. I imagine that I can probably suck the xml feed into a site design, but at this point, I’m not sure how to do that. I have made some progress in CSS layout techniques, mostly with help from A List Apart, and inspiration from the CSS Zen Garden, but I’m not sure yet where to find help on this. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.