David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Posts from the Self-Publishing Category

So Amazon has blocked your book. Now what?

March 24, 2025

Recently, while trying to publish a book on KDP, Amazon blocked my book. I saw this message in the KDP dashboard. keep on reading »

New video: Sales data from 100,000 copies sold

November 19, 2024

Not all my books have been hits. Some all-time sales of my self-published books:



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Limited-edition Journal Prompts Workbook (and habit-tracking wristband)

July 16, 2024

I’ve just developed a journal prompts workbook for building your 100-word writing habit. You can reserve yours now, only on Kickstarter.

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My BookBub Featured New Release Results

January 27, 2021

I don’t do big, fancy, heavily-coordinated launches, but as part of the launch of my latest book, Mind Management, Not Time Management, I at least ran a BookBub Featured New Release. Would I do it again? keep on reading »

Is Amazon’s Great on Kindle good for authors?

December 11, 2020

About three months after publishing my first self-published book, I got a message from Amazon, inviting me to include my book in their Great on Kindle program. keep on reading »

The best place to print your advance reader copies (ARCs) – KDP Print vs. IngramSpark vs. Barnes & Noble

November 27, 2020

ARCs, galleys, advance reader copies, or advance review copies – whatever you want to call it, you want to get your self-published book in the hands of readers in advance of your launch date. Where’s the best place to print your advance reader copies? keep on reading »

IngramSpark Hardcover Review: My Self-Publishing Experience

November 06, 2020

UPDATE, November 30, 2021: I’ve now published a hardcover of Mind Management, Not Time Management in Ingram’s new case laminate, plus dust jacket option, and it looks great!

Two years after publishing The Heart to Start: Stop Procrastinating & Start Creating on paperback – through both KDP Print and IngramSpark – I decided to also publish it as an IngramSpark hardcover (aka “hardback”). So I grabbed my IngramSpark promo code, for free set up and uploaded my files. Here’s my IngramSpark hardcover review. keep on reading »

Are Kindle Daily Deals good for authors?

September 24, 2020

If you’re an author who has received a Kindle Deal nomination email from Amazon, congratulations! In this post, I’ll share with you my experience. keep on reading »

Failing to Succeed: Why I Made Only $3,000 Selling 11,000 Copies of my First Self-Published Book

January 22, 2019

The Heart to StartAbout a year ago, I launched my first self-published book, The Heart to Start. Looking at the numbers, it’s clear self publishing is not for everyone. In many ways, this first year looks like a failure. But it’s part of a larger plan toward success. keep on reading »

OMFG Seth Godin endorsed “The Heart to Start”

July 26, 2018

So many have you have helped me along the way, so I wanted to share some news with you. I woke up this morning to learn that Seth Godin had recommended The Heart to Start on his blog. keep on reading »

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