David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

David Allen’s Accidental Legacy – Love Your Work, Episode 171

March 28, 2019

david allens getting things done legacy

David Allen (@gtdguy) has built a legacy. He’s created a system that helps millions of people get more of what they want out of life. Getting Things Done, the book, has sold millions of copies. And there’s an entire cottage industry of GTD apps and consultants, all over the world.

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No, I’m Not Building a Legacy – Love Your Work, Episode 170

March 21, 2019


Lots of people want to build a “legacy.” They want to be remembered when they’re gone.

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February 2019 Income Report

March 14, 2019

February’s revenues were $5,105.48, down from January’s $6,774.97. Profits were $2,782.83, up from January’s $1,636.14. keep on reading »

Andrew Warner of Mixergy Does it for Love – Love Your Work, Episode 169

March 14, 2019

andrew warner mixergy podcast

To me, Andrew Warner’s (@andrewwarner) Mixergy podcast created the entire category of entrepreneur interview podcasts – a category this podcast here falls within. I started listening to Mixergy something like ten years ago, and it was one of the main podcasts that got my gears turning to eventually start this podcast – after putting it off for years, of course.

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Use Task Transitions to Optimize Your Creative Flow – Love Your Work, Episode 168

March 07, 2019

task transitions podcast

To optimize your creative output, you need a creative productivity system. If you can identify the building blocks of your daily work, you can construct a system that works for you.

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Vanessa Van Edwards: Charisma for the Awkward – Love Your Work, Episode 167

February 28, 2019

vanessa van edwards podcast

Vanessa Van Edwards (@vvanedwards) is a recovering awkward person who teaches people how to be more successful with people.

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January 2019 Income Report

February 25, 2019

January’s revenues were $6,774.97, up from December’s $6,187.11. Profits were $1,636.14, up from December’s -$773.45. keep on reading »

ActiveCampaign Review

February 21, 2019

activecampaign reviewAfter years of research, several years ago I switched from MailChimp to ActiveCampaign. Why do I love ActiveCampaign so much? I’ve already done my MailChimp vs. ActiveCampaign comparison. Now it’s time to do an ActiveCampaign review. keep on reading »

Build Foolproof Triggers Into Your Productivity System – Love Your Work, Episode 166

February 21, 2019

productivity triggers podcastTo follow a productivity system, you need to be able to trust that system. You need to trust that if you put something into the system, it will get taken care of at the right time and place. But the more complex you make that system, the harder it becomes to follow and maintain.

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Creative Optimization Through Neuroscience: Dr. David Rock – Love Your Work, Episode 165

February 14, 2019

david rock podcast

Dr. David Rock (@davidrock101) is the author of Your Brain at Work, and is also the founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute. They use a science-based approach to growing soft skills, working with companies such as Intel, Microsoft, and IBM.

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