July 2023 Income Report
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July’s income was $4,230, down from June’s $6,714. Profits were $2,515, down from June’s $4,441.
David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.
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July’s income was $4,230, down from June’s $6,714. Profits were $2,515, down from June’s $4,441.
After nearly eight years of the Love Your Work podcast, I’m quitting. Here’s why, and What’s Next.
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June’s income was $6,714, down from May’s $6,912. Profits were $4,441, up from May’s $1,588.
You’ve probably heard that, in a blind taste test, even experts can’t tell between white and red wine. Even if this were true – and it’s not – it wouldn’t matter.
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We trust the food we eat, the drinks we drink, and the air we breathe are safe. That in case they’re unsafe, someone is working to minimize our exposure, or at least tell us the risks. In The Triumph of Doubt, former head of OSHA David Michaels reveals how companies fight for their rights to sell harmful products, expose workers to health hazards, and pollute the environment. They do it by manufacturing so-called “science.” Most this science is built not upon proving they’re not causing harm, but by doing whatever they can to cast doubt. Here, in my own words, is a summary of The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception.
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According to philosopher Isaiah Berlin, people think in one of two different ways: They’re either hedgehogs, or foxes. If you think like a hedgehog, you’ll be more successful as a communicator. If you think like a fox, you’ll be more accurate.
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May’s income was $6,912, down from April’s $10,063. Profits were $1,588, down from April’s $6,211.
Many creators and aspiring creators struggle not because they don’t have enough ideas, but because they have too many. Their situations, in summary, are “Too many ideas, must pick one.” Embedded in this belief are assumptions that, if challenged, can help you feel as if you have just enough ideas.
Today I have a special episode for you. keep on reading »
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April’s income was $10,063, up from March’s $8,960. Profits were $6,211, up from March’s $4,750.