David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Summer of Design: Learn “Design for Hackers” Week-by-Week

May 23, 2013

Learning new things is so much easier when you have someone coaching you along – and when you have classmates.

That’s why, on June 4th, Summer of Design will start. Be sure to sign up before then, because enrollment will close. (If you already get my emails, you’re already enrolled) keep on reading »

My TEDx Talk: The New Literacy of Design

May 14, 2013

I wrote Design for Hackers to teach hackers about design. But that wasn’t the hokey pokey of it.

That wasn’t what it was “all about.” keep on reading »

Stuff & Things

April 24, 2013

The world is just stuff and things. They sound similar, but they’re very different. To be effective, you have to be really good at turning stuff into things. keep on reading »

2008 vs. 2013: Reverse-Engineering the Redesign of kadavy.net

February 12, 2013

It has been nearly 5 years since I redesigned my blog. I admit it: It was a bit “out-of-date,” or “dated,” as some may put it (especially for someone who wrote a book claiming to dissect every aspect of design). But what does it mean for a design to become “dated?” How is it possible that something that at one time looked “good” starts to look “stale,” or even just plain “bad?” keep on reading »

Eventually, you get there

November 12, 2012

At age 31, I couldn’t swim. Every time I tried to swim, my Lizard Brain would send my body into a panic. My heart rate would skyrocket, my muscles would tense, and within 25 yards, I’d be out of breath. keep on reading »

Permission to Suck

November 02, 2012

My friend is one of those people who swears she “can’t” meditate. She can’t sit still that long. She can’t think of “nothing.” The times that she tried meditating, she kept thinking of things, and got frustrated.

It probably doesn’t help that my friend was once a soloist in one of the top ballet companies in the world. She has been trained to achieve perfection, and can’t accept any less. keep on reading »

Thinking is a thing

October 29, 2012

Thinking is a thing. Its own separate thing – crammed within the cracks between all the other “things.”

Thinking gets compressed, but it is limitlessly expansive. It can stretch as vast as the ocean, or tower as high as the stars. Thinking just needs the time to achieve its own bounds. keep on reading »

Prefrontal Mondays

October 22, 2012

Productivity is less about time management than it is about mind management. Knowing when is the best time to use different parts of your brain can help you use those parts to their fullest potential. The better you understand how a tool works, the more effectively you can use it. There’s no more powerful tool in your brain than your prefrontal cortex. keep on reading »

Mind Management (Not Time Management)

October 16, 2012

This blog post is now a book! Buy it here.

An audio version of this post is available here.

Productivity is less about time management than it is about mind management. We all have the same number of hours during the day. How effectively we spend those hours really depends upon how well we can manage and harness our fragile mental energy. keep on reading »

Minimum Viable Movie: How I Made a Feature-Length Film for $0

September 19, 2012

Today I’d like to introduce you to filmmaker, and good friend of mine, Joe Avella. Joe’s short films have appeared on IFC and Spike TV, and in the SXSW Film Festival.

Let the fact that this is the first and only guest post in the 8-year history of kadavy.net be testament to how much his energy and passion for his craft have personally influenced me over the years. If you’re an entrepreneur, I think you’ll find inspiration in his story of making the most of his resources, however limited they may be. –David keep on reading »

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