Late this winter, my roommate, the Basil Plant, died of an infestation of Mealybugs. The Basil Plant provided much flavor to many a pasta and red sauce dish. The Basil Plant will be missed.
What was the turn of events surrounding the demise of The Basil Plant? Well, one day I noticed that there seemed to be some sort of white mold growing on The Basil Plant. At first I wasn’t that concerned with it, as The Basil Plant was lucky if I remembered to water it before it’s leaves wilted. But there gradually became more and more of these talcum-powder like spots all over The Basil Plant. I had to look very closely to notice that these spots of “mold” had legs and could move around.
From a blogging dunce, to a C-list Blogebrity in one year not bad. According to my MovableType control panel, I have 111 posts, and 186 (legit) comments (Joe Schmidt contests that his aggregator shows more than 111 posts). It’s been fun thus far. In the past year I’ve seen strangethings, madeprogress in the things I’ve wanted to learn, and maybe even touched the lives of people I don’t even know.
It is a good idea to not store “_killprevious.php” on your web server, to prevent someone else from resetting your ShortStat for you. If you don’t have that file, go to and redownload the package.
If you’re on a Mac, the ShortStat Widget will satisfy the stats whore in you.
For anyone out there, such as single men, without much experience in the kitchen, I have a small but very valuable bit of wisdom to impart upon you. If you are using your stove, do not put any plates on any of the burners. There is a small chance that you have turned on a burner other than the one you intended – maybe even the burner you have placed your plate on. This will result in a loud sound that sounds like an explosion, likely caused by the aforementioned plate exploding all over your kitchen. Now that you have this wisdom, you will of course, not ever make this mistake, and if you do, you will understand what has caused this well enough to not absent-mindedly attempt to remove what remains of the plate from the burner on your stove, thus burning your fingerprints off.
As I promised so long ago, I have redesigned With the exception of the masthead I’m still going ornament-free (after all of the effort it took to get the Dundee Theater to put my name on the marquee, I wasn’t about to omit that picture), but the typography has been tweaked quite a bit. I’ve also added my portfolio, inspired by Stopdesign’s Movable Type managed portfolio. With some ingenuity, and some modest PHP skills, one can manage all sorts of content. Douglas Bowman (stopdesign) posted a tutorial on making a portfolio with Movable Type, but maybe someday I’ll write a post covering some of the things he left out. Using the Movable Type content management system will make it easy for me to keep my portfolio updated. Other new features are…
During my college years, I had the pleasure of spending a semester in Rome, Italy. The most amazing place in all of Rome, and in what I have seen of the world, is the Pantheon. Built circa 118 A.D., it is one of the Architectural marvels of the world. The 142 foot, almost perfectly spherical dome is supported by 20 foot thick masonry and is topped off with an oculus that permits light (and yes, rain) into the building.
Words can’t do justice to what it is like to enter this space. I’m afraid pictures cannot either, but I’ll give it a try.
In my many trips to Chicago, I have stayed a couple of times at a gem of a hotel called Congress Plaza. Rich with history, the Congress Plaza Hotel has accommodated Presidents of The United States, royalty from countries around the world, and David Kadavy. Looking around at reviews on sites such as Travelocity, there are definitely some people who don’t appreciate the distinct character and benefits of this fine hotel.
I just spent two days pulling my hair out over trying to get PHP Surveyor to work. It’s a great (free!) PHP/MySQL-based web survey application, but after I was done making my survey, none of the questions would display.
[UPDATE: 03/26/2008 11:02AM] If you’ve been keeping up, you know now that I have discovered that wheat gluten can cause sinus symptoms. So, you may want to consider experimenting.
[UPDATE: 11/01/2016] I eventually was diagnosed with, and started treating “Chronic Lyme Disease” (or something like that)
After this post I’m sure I will be the blogger who talks about mucous more than any other. It truly isn’t by design. If you don’t want to read a gross post, I’d suggest not reading further.