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A few years ago, I noticed that there were no resources for Graphic Designers to learn about how to reduce the environmental impact of their print projects. I’ve done some research on the subject lately, and I have found that much more information has been popping up, however, it is scattered throughout the web and trying to sift through it all is overwhelming to say the least.
As you may have heard on my latest Be A Design Cast appearance, I have launched a wiki that will – with the help of folks like you – become the most comprehensive resource for Designers to consult when trying to reduce the environmental impact of their print projects.
As you can see on the site, I have gotten the ball rolling, but I only know so much about this subject so in order to be successful the project needs the expertise and experience of members of the Design, Paper, and Printing industries. Please help by contributing, offerring your suggestions, and telling every design, printing, and paper expert you know!

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