David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

May 2023 Income Report

June 23, 2023

To listen to an audio version of this report, join the Patreon »

May’s income was $6,912, down from April’s $10,063. Profits were $1,588, down from April’s $6,211.

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Too Many Ideas, Must Pick One – Love Your Work, Episode 304

June 15, 2023

too many ideasMany creators and aspiring creators struggle not because they don’t have enough ideas, but because they have too many. Their situations, in summary, are “Too many ideas, must pick one.” Embedded in this belief are assumptions that, if challenged, can help you feel as if you have just enough ideas.

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Livestream/AMA: Publishing Outside Amazon, Focusing Curiosity, and Mind Management – Love Your Work, Episode 303

June 01, 2023

AMA May 2023Today I have a special episode for you. keep on reading »

April 2023 Income Report

May 26, 2023

To listen to an audio version of this report, join the Patreon »

April’s income was $10,063, up from March’s $8,960. Profits were $6,211, up from March’s $4,750.

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The Four Sources of Shiny Object Syndrome – Love Your Work, Episode 302

May 18, 2023

Four Sources of Shiny Object SyndromeShiny object syndrome can be evidence of a problem, or it can be a normal part of the creative process. If you can identify the four sources of shiny object syndrome, you can tell the difference between being lost, or simply exploring.
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1,500 Words on Writing a 5-Word Tweet – Love Your Work, Episode 301

May 04, 2023

how to write a tweetWriting a tweet is a microcosm of writing a book. If you think deeply and carefully about every word in a tweet, and what the tweet as a whole communicates, you can extend those skills to all your writing. In this article, I’ll break down how to think about every word in a tweet, nearly tripling its performance.
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March 2023 Income Report

April 27, 2023

To listen to an audio version of this report, join the Patreon »

March’s income was $8,960, up from February’s $7,973. Profits were $4,750, up from February’s $4,514.

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Coffee w/ Kadavy #4 (Bonus Patreon Preview)

April 27, 2023

Here’s a bonus preview of a new podcast I’ve brewed just for Patreon supporters. It’s Coffee w/ Kadavy. In this episode, #4, I talk about: keep on reading »

The Mechanics of Media – Love Your Work, Episode 300

April 20, 2023

Mechanics of Media Every message is shaped by the mechanics of media. Whether it’s a tweet, a TikTok video, a news article, or a movie, the characteristics of the medium determine how it’s made, how it’s consumed, and whether it spreads. If you understand the mechanics of media, you can more effectively communicate in a wide variety of mediums, and protect yourself from being manipulated by media.

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Why Make Predictions? (and How) – Love Your Work, Episode 299

April 06, 2023

Make predictionsMaking, recording, and evaluating predictions is a simple way to improve your thinking and decision-making. But the way to properly make and record predictions isn’t obvious. In this article, I’ll share some predictions I’ve made, what I’ve learned, and how you can improve your thinking by making predictions.

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