David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Hi, and welcome to my KDP income reports.

I’m a “wide” self-published and traditionally-published author, and have been publicly reporting my revenue since January 2018. Follow along with my self-publishing journey, as I share detailed numbers from Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, wide publishing, Patreon, and other income sources.

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Posts from the Income Reports Category

October 2022 Income Report

November 30, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

October’s income was $7,564, down from September’s $7,795. Profits were $4,171, up from September’s $3,869.

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September 2022 Income Report

October 21, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

September’s income was $7,795, down from August’s $11,295. Profits were $3,869, down from August’s $8,619.

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August 2022 Income Report

September 20, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

August’s income was $11,295, up from July’s $10,434. Profits were $8,619, up from July’s $7,744.

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July 2022 Income Report

August 25, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

July’s income was $10,434, up from June’s $9,112. Profits were $7,744, up from June’s $3,607.

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June 2022 Income Report

July 26, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

June’s income was $9,112, up from May’s $5,812. Profits were $3,607, up from May’s $2,394.

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May 2022 Income Report

June 24, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

May’s income was $5,812, down from April’s $10,205. Profits were $2,394, down from April’s $6,412.

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April 2022 Income Report

May 27, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

April’s income was $10,205, up from March’s $9,449. Profits were $6,412, down from March’s $6,859.

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March 2022 Income Report

April 28, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

March’s income was $9,449, down from February’s $10,637. Profits were $6,859, down from February’s $7,759.

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February 2022 Income Report

March 24, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

February’s income was $10,637, up from January’s $8,490. Profits were $7,759, up from January’s $5,059.

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January 2022 Income Report

February 22, 2022

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

January’s income was $8,490, down from December’s $10,130. Profits were $5,059, up from December’s $5,008.

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