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LM: #269: Why is there too much to do? Because this…

June 24 2024 – 10:00am

It’s an anxious feeling to not be on top of things. And it’s a vicious cycle.

When I don’t have a clear view of what needs to get done and how I’ll ever do it, suddenly more needs to get done and I have less time and energy.

If anything, there’s less that needs to get done when I feel on top of things. Because when I don’t feel on top of things, I invent things that need to get done.

The sense of urgency I feel when I’m not on top of things comes not from there being more to do, but from the anxious feeling that results from not being on top of things.

When I’m anxious from not being on top of things, every little thing is a potential answer to the question, “What needs to get done?” Every fleeting thought or glance at a scrap of paper makes me say, “Oh, there’s the culprit! Once I take care of that, this feeling will go away.” (Of course, it won’t.)

Give yourself time and space simply to get on top of things and make a plan for how you’ll use your time and space. You’ll feel less anxious, and everything will seem less urgent.

Book: American Psycho (Amazon) is the oddly-hilarious-yet-gory dark comedy upon which the movie is based.

Cool: My friend David Weekly wrote a simple guide on how to sue text and call spammers and make a little money in the process.

P.S. A few things on the to-do list can quickly grow into too many things to stay on top of, as illustrated by the Birthday Paradox.

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