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LM: #284: Beer and failure
No matter how much we glamorize failure, it’s not necessary to succeed. But you shouldn’t hate the taste of failure.
Sure, if you hate to fail, it’s possible that motivates you to work really hard to avoid it. The more likely outcome is you don’t try at all.
Failure has a bitter taste, like the first time an adult let you have a sip of beer. But like many bitter flavors, beer included, failure is an acquired taste.

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It’s not good to fail, but having failures is a better sign than having none. Because failure is proof of effort and if you aren’t failing you probably aren’t trying to succeed.
Like beer, if you get addicted to the flavor of failure, it will ruin your life. Like beer, some of your most interesting and memorable experiences and even successes will be thanks to having a few too many failures.
Failure. You’ll go far if you have one once in a while.
Aphorism: “Make an effort. Just pure stupid, ‘no idea what I’m doing here’ effort. Effort always yields a positive value, even if the outcome of the effort is absolute failure of the desired result.” –Jerry Seinfeld
Cool: Virtual Post Mail has for more than a decade provided me with a U.S. address to receive mail and sign up for services.
P.S. I once enumerated my year’s best rejections, and should do it again sometime.