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LM: #282: Time betwixt
More done, less time. That’s the point of time management, in a nutshell.
But the pursuit of more with less leads to perverse incentives. As you get more done with less time, you have more time to fill with more to do.
Doing things quickly and efficiently was how you got extra time, so you must also do these extra things quickly and efficiently.

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And you lose sight of why you started managing your time. Wasn’t the point to get what you wanted? Did you want to be more stressed and less happy? Did you want to sleep less, to dream less?
Time management has been taken too far when you feel every moment must be filled with productive action. It’s the spaces between actions that make the actions worthwhile. It’s those spaces between that made you want more with less in the first place.
Use some time efficiently so you can use the rest inefficiently.
Aphorism: “Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.” —William E. Gladstone
Cool: Sweet Home 3D is free open-source software for creating a 3D model of your home, for planning projects.
P.S. In case you didn’t know, I wrote a book called Mind Management, Not Time Management.