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LM: #291: You’ll do more of what matters when you change this…
There’s what you say is important, then there are your actions.
You may say you want to be a writer, but if you don’t spend time writing, you don’t.
Economists call this “revealed preference,” but it’s also described by the adage, “Actions speak louder than words.”

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But actions work in a cycle. How you spend your time shapes your preferences so you spend more of your time that way.
This is why your first hour is so important.
You may say you hate the drama on social media, but if you spend the first hour of your day doomscrolling, you love the drama on social media. You’ll spend much of the subsequent hours doomscrolling, if not physically, mentally.
How you spend your first hour is a revealed preference of what matters to you. But if you make a conscious decision to change how you use that first hour, not only will you affirm what matters to you, you’ll do so all day.
Put your moments where your mouth is.
Book: 1491 (Amazon) tells what is known of the civilizations in the Americas before Columbus.
Cool: truInside: Election is a fantastic documentary about the making of the greatest film in the history of the world: Alexander Payne’s Election.
P.S. Watch my new YouTube video in which I break down how much money I made selling 100,000 books.