David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Posts from the Miscellaneous Category

TwitBlog: Syndicating Twitter to My Blog

November 19, 2006

UPDATE: January 18, 2009: The Twitter badge options have been updated, so you’re probably better off using their options than TwitBlog.

twitter.gifTwitter allows you to keep your friends – and the world – updated on what you’re up to from the comfort of your own mobile device.

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Perfection paralysis cured

October 13, 2006

This post is going to be a disaster. I’m going to just barf it out. That’s how this all started in the first place. Remember when blogging used to be a casual thing? Then you have a few readers, and you start thinking, “I better make sure that I provide quality content. I better make sure every post is really great.” You make a few good posts, try spending hours refining a few others, and what do you get? Nothing. It’s perfection paralysis. A wise man recently told me, “done beats perfect every time.” Well, perfect and done beats done, but if you’re going for perfect, you never get done. Capicé?

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Flatmate Meetup Let’s You Meet Potential Roommates Face-to-Face, and Have a Great Time!

August 22, 2006


I know that with whom you live is every bit as important as where you live, so Meetro’s own Vinnie and I are organizing Flatmate Meetup, at Zeitgeist Bar in San Francisco next Wednesday, August 30th. Looking through Craigslist postings just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Now you can meet potential roommies face-to-face, and have a great time!

Yes, this event does have a self-serving purpose. I’m looking for a place in San Francisco in The Mission or Hayes Valley area…with cool roommates. Tell everyone you know in San Francisco who is looking for roommates to RSVP for the Flatmate Meetup now!

“The Bat Story”

April 24, 2006

During my three years in Omaha between college and the big move, I lived in an apartment complex called London Square. It was a great location, right in the heart of Dundee, one of Omaha’s most desireable neighborhoods, but my first unit there was the cheapest one that I could get: a basement apartment. The unit certainly had its faults in its first months: a dishwasher that leaked stagnant water, flooding that soaked the carpet of much of my living room, frightening insects that were at first sight, unidentifiable, and some extremely smelly old ladies that lived across the hall, that were known to wander the hallway in their diapers. These are all stories of their own, but nothing sticks out of my stay at London Square like “The Bat Story.”

One day I was doing my laundry in the London Square basement laundry room. I was transporting my clothing from the washing machine to the dryer, armful by armful, when a dead bat fell out of said clothing onto the floor. I thought that I had screamed, but I do know that nothing audible came from my lungs. I simply stared down at the tiny bat, wondering if perhaps one moment I would wake up, in my bed, in a cold sweat – but it did not happen. It felt like one of those traumatic experiences that has a surreal quality by virtue of it not immediately feeling nearly dramatic as you know it will sound when it is retold. “Is that what I think it is? Yes, it is a bat? Is it…whoo, yes, it is dead.” I of course transported what clothes that were now in the dryer back to the washing machine for a second go.

The call to the property manager was interesting: “Yes, this will sound incredibly odd, but the other day when I was doing laundry, I discovered that my clothes had been washed with a dead bat.”

The response of the typically customer-service challenged property manager was disturbingly nonchalant even for her: “oh, that’s funny, someone called and said they had seen a bat in the laundry room, but we went over there and ya know – we didn’t find anything.”

Hmmm. Bats live in caves – maybe they should have looked in the washing machine.

Don’t believe me? Here’s “The Bat”:


Kadavy’s Four Things

February 27, 2006

Okay, Adrian, you got me. This should be fun, anyway.

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Wrong Number Text Message

February 07, 2006

Wrong Number SMS Text Message saying 'Thanx 4 calln me b 4 u went 2 work i wanted 2 talk 2 u i told u i missed u i wasnt lyin like u thnk i do!
I guess the trouble with text messaging is that when you dial the wrong number, there’s nothing to filter you from spilling your guts to the wrong person – thus nothing to prevent that person from publishing said guts on the internet.

Contrary to Not-All-That-Popular Belief…

January 29, 2006

del.icio.us entry describing David Kadavy as 'some indian dude'
…I am as white as a unicorn.

Well Said…

January 17, 2006

From Organization Strategies: Google vs. Yahoo: Jen uses her washer as a hamper, Ron has constructed a “dresser” out of Rubbermaid bins and IKEA shelving, and Karen plans to experiment with storing clothes according to their “washer load type”.

Sam Beaven ads to iPod Shuffle Controls Overview by noting that the Shuffle conveniently never seems to play podcasts in “shuffle” mode, which makes it seem that Apple intended the “podcasts at the top” hack.

Also, Winston comments on Carpet Tile Sample Area Rug that he uses carpet samples to decorate his bulletin board, and on The Hipster PDA Keychain, Brett notes that 3/4″ binder clips also make good money clips.

Thanks to these folks, and everyone else who as commented.

Poker Tees from Felted Poker Apparel

December 15, 2005

Poker T-Shirt From Felted Poker Apparel

Just in time for the holidays, Felted Poker Apparel has launched with 6 designs from the sick minds that brought us Arlo and I See France. Get them before they’re not!

Feeling Pretty Good…

December 04, 2005


P.S. It’s not really cloudy right now.

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