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Creativity Bootcamp: Laugh

May 20 2010 – 11:07am

This is week 6 of Creativity Bootcamp, based upon the Eight Life Hacks for Creative Thinking. Last week, I told you to Isolate by doing an activity that strengthens your individual point of view. This week, I want you to Laugh.Not only does laughter reduce stress hormones and decrease blood pressure; but it also promotes creative thinking. Laugher is good for your health, but the very nature of jokes introduces you to non-traditional ways of thinking. And non-traditional ways of thinking are at the core of creative thinking.

To make laugher more enjoyable, give yourself permission to laugh – make it a point to laugh more over the next week. Some people experience guilt over taking time to enjoy the funner things in life, so if you’re one of these people – remember what good you’re doing yourself by laughing.

Some ideas to get you chuckling:

Yuck it up!

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