David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Posts from the Miscellaneous Category

New Promotion: Buy a Tea, See a Puppy

February 10, 2009

In a shameless attempt to get some donations, and to just be silly. I am offering a promotion: between the end of a post, and the beginning of the comments, you will see a cropped picture of a puppy. Buy me a tea ($3) donation, and you will get to see the rest of the puppy. keep on reading »

The Best Investment You Can Make

October 08, 2008

When I was a young professional working in Omaha, Nebraska, I was in an environment that stressed living life by a bit of a template. Thus, as a college graduate, I was constantly admonished to take one of two obvious next steps in life: buy a house. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the expression “a house is the best investment you can make,” I probably would have had enough money to, well…buy a house. If Hallmark made a greeting card for the relationship, I heard it from that person: my parents, my coworkers, my boss(es), many of my friends, and even my auto mechanic. keep on reading »

Blog Like Nobody’s Reading

September 14, 2008

I just read a very important post by Merlin Mann. He very humbly and candidly spoke about how something that he had created so genuinely became a marionette to control his actions. He started writing a blog. A real blog. about the stuff that interested him, and it became huge. It started to make money, and what was once authentic, at times dictated his actions. I think that sometimes, the need to be successful at something can help us do a better job. If we have a blog that suddenly gets read, we start to refine our posts. We want to package our thoughts into little, easily digestible, tidbits full of newly-coined vocab words that will hopefully be used in the future as a bunch of webgeeks half a world away talk about our blog. keep on reading »

Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

August 03, 2008

Back in the good ol’ days, I could spend countless hours on my computer without much care – except for ergonomics, maybe. I noticed over the last few years that I was able to spend less and less time on my computer – my young supple eyes aren’t getting any younger. Apparently this is creatively referred to as Dry Eyes Syndrome. I figured there was no hope – that my days of spending long stretches on my computer were over; but a friend of mine told me to try Acuvue Oasys contact lenses. The Acuvue Oasys lenses – when used with Clear Care – have worked great for me. I’ll tell you more about it in this video.

Here’s a summary of the video:

Apparently, the problem is that most contact lenses are made with too much water. The contact lenses dry out during the day, and then wick moisture from your eyes. Which is a bad thing. One alternative is to switch to Gas Permeables, but they require an adaption period – though the vision they provide is supposedly superior to soft lenses.

Lenses like Acuvue Oasys are made with a Silicone Hydrogel, which contains less water than most lenses. Apparently this doesn’t fix dry eye discomfort for everyone, but it definitely works for me. Silicone Hydrogel is also used to make lenses that can be worn for 30 days at a time without removing them. That just sounds painful to me!

The Clear Care lens care system is a hydrogen peroxide system, which works great for me. For times that I’m traveling though, it’s not always convenient for me to use this system. In these cases, I’ve been advised to use straight saline solution because the chemicals in the multi-purpose solutions will get embedded into the lenses. I’ve got to wonder if I can just use hydrogen peroxide instead of the Clear Care system, though 😛 It would be much cheaper! (PS don’t try this – of if you do, it’s at your own risk. you may end up like this poor girl)

You can buy Acuvue Oasys lenses at 1-800-CONTACTS, and Clear Care at Amazon.

Four Years of Kadavy.net!

May 31, 2008

Candles photo by Flickr user brimstoneToday marks the fourth blogaversary of the kadavy.net blog. Much more has happened with this blog than was originally expected. I started it with a simple barf-out post that was written just to get myself past the perfection paralysis and intimidation of staring a blog.

keep on reading »

Kadavy.net 2.0!

May 14, 2008

Kadavy.net has redesigned, and boy are we excited! This is our first redesign in years, and it’s a doozy.

keep on reading »

A Message to Flatmate Meetup Members About Through a Friend

March 20, 2008

Over the past 18 months, and through 15 Flatmate Meetups, I have listened to your questions and concerns. You have found the roommate searching process to be frustrating, laborious, and sometimes even lonely – exactly the same reasons I started Flatmate Meetup in the first place. The main tool that you have all relied upon has been Craigslist. The problems I experienced with using Craigslist, and that I have heard from many of you have included 1) having to sort through too many irrelevant e-mails from incompatible candidates, spammers, and scammers 2) “flaking” and no-shows when it did come time to have an appointment with a potential roommate, and 3) feeling all alone in the process, and not having any sense of progress until the mission of finding a living situation was suddenly complete.

Through a Friend broadcasts your needs to your friends up to three degrees away. This way you can find a roommate who is compatible with you, and who will be more likely to keep their appointment with you. Best of all, Through a Friend’s “support” feature allows your friends to get involved with getting your message out, so you won’t feel all alone.

So, if you’re a Facebook user, go check out Through a Friend, and post your announcement to find a roommate you can trust.

Kadavy on The Reflex Blue Show, Episode 3

March 20, 2008

I sat down with Nate Voss and Donovan Beery of The Reflex Blue Show to get really geeky on fonts. Give it a direct listen here, or view the post.

Kadavy’s Big Screen Debut

October 10, 2007

I recently played the lead role in Marc Stayman’s “Echo,” a production of Scary Cow. It played on the big screen at the Victoria Theater in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago, but I unfortunately missed it since I was wandering through Europe. Thanks to the interwebs, you can enjoy it from the comfort of your internet browser. Check it out!

Benjamin Franklin on Health, Wealth, and Happiness

September 09, 2007

I think this was his way of suggesting that one smile. From his Compleated Autobiography.

There are two sorts of people in the world, who with equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, become the one happy, the other unhappy. Those who are to be happy fix their attention on the pleasant parts of conversation, and enjoy all with cheerfulness. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contraries. Hence they are continually discontented themselves, and by their remarks sour the pleasures of society, offend personally many people, and make themselves everywhere disagreeable. If these people will not change this bad habit, and condescend to be pleas’d with what is pleasing, it is good for others to avoid an acquaintance with them, which is always disagreeable, and sometimes very inconvenient, particularly when one finds one’s self entangeld in their quarrels.

An old philosophical friend of mine, grown from experience very cautious in this, carefully shun’d any intimacy with such people. He had, like other philosophers, a thermometer to show the heat of the weather, and a barometer to mark when it was likely to prove good or bad; but there being no instrument yet invented to discover at first sight this unpleasing disposition in a person, he for that purpose made use of his legs. One was remarkably handsome, the other by some accident crooked and deform’d. If a stranger at the first interview regarded his ugly leg more than his handsome one, he doubted him. If he spoke of it, and took no notice of the handsome leg, that was sufficient to determine my philosopher to have no farther acquaintance with him.

I therefore advise these critical, querulous, discontented, unhappy people that if they wish to be loved and respected by others and happy in themselves, they should leave off looking at the ugly leg.

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