David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Posts from the Miscellaneous Category

Benjamin Franklin on Health, Wealth, and Happiness

September 09, 2007

I think this was his way of suggesting that one smile. From his Compleated Autobiography.

There are two sorts of people in the world, who with equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, become the one happy, the other unhappy. Those who are to be happy fix their attention on the pleasant parts of conversation, and enjoy all with cheerfulness. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contraries. Hence they are continually discontented themselves, and by their remarks sour the pleasures of society, offend personally many people, and make themselves everywhere disagreeable. If these people will not change this bad habit, and condescend to be pleas’d with what is pleasing, it is good for others to avoid an acquaintance with them, which is always disagreeable, and sometimes very inconvenient, particularly when one finds one’s self entangeld in their quarrels.

An old philosophical friend of mine, grown from experience very cautious in this, carefully shun’d any intimacy with such people. He had, like other philosophers, a thermometer to show the heat of the weather, and a barometer to mark when it was likely to prove good or bad; but there being no instrument yet invented to discover at first sight this unpleasing disposition in a person, he for that purpose made use of his legs. One was remarkably handsome, the other by some accident crooked and deform’d. If a stranger at the first interview regarded his ugly leg more than his handsome one, he doubted him. If he spoke of it, and took no notice of the handsome leg, that was sufficient to determine my philosopher to have no farther acquaintance with him.

I therefore advise these critical, querulous, discontented, unhappy people that if they wish to be loved and respected by others and happy in themselves, they should leave off looking at the ugly leg.

Is Wheat Gluten Causing Your Sinus Symptoms?

August 01, 2007

[UPDATE: 12/13/2016]
I eventually was diagnosed with, and started treating “Chronic Lyme Disease” (or something like that). Here’s a podcast discussion with the author of The Whals Protocol (the diet I now follow to manage chronic inflammation), Dr. Terry Whals.


Until recently, I was prone to sinus infections – or not so much prone, but rather, I had a sinus infection all of the time. My voice was nasally, I was fatigued all of the time, and I pretty much felt gross. I had seen a number of doctors over the years for my recurrent sinusitis. They tended to test me for environmental allergies, stick a camera up my nose, and ultimately prescribe some bullshit allergy medication that didn’t work, or even convince me to try nasal irrigation – which was actually their best idea. keep on reading »

Meetro.com: Frat House Tycoons

July 23, 2007

One of the first web 2.0 type events that I went to when I moved to California was Super Happy Dev House, where I met Vinnie and the other guys from Meetro. At the time that company had as many as 8 guys living and working in a three-bedroom apartment in Palo Alto. It sounds like a totally crazy situation, but whenever I hung out there I found it to be extremely inspiring and energizing – they were passionate to the max about their idea (they still are, but now they have some real office space). Current.tv did a great job of depicting this arrangement and I want to share it with you:

Make Your Own Designer T-Shirt!

July 21, 2007

Just can’t afford that designer brand? Or maybe you want the name, but not all of that…class. Well, now you can make your own t-shirt in any brand you want!


Independence Day II

July 20, 2007

SustainLane and I have parted ways. It was fun and rewarding while it lasted. No, I’m not currently looking for work, freelance or otherwise. I’m excited – more things to come from me…

Kadavy in Stereo

June 03, 2007

There are two new places on the internets where you can hear my voice if you’re so inclined:

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Kadavy Presenting at Green Festival Chicago

April 17, 2007

Attention Chicagoans: I will be speaking in your fine city at the first ever Chicago-based Green Festival. My teammates and I will be talking about the potential for social networking technologies to be an effective tool for advancing the green movement.

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SustainLane.com Launches!

April 14, 2007

sustainlane.com logo

As you may have seen in my twits, sustainlane.com has launched! SustainLane allows people to review sustainable, “green,” and organic products and businesses, and I’m more excited about it than probably anything I’ve ever done before in my life (yes, I know, it’s “just a website”…this is how simple my life is). It’s going to make it easier than ever for people to find products and businesses that are socially, environmentally, and/or health conscious.

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Kadavy for SustainLane on LunchMeet

January 25, 2007

I guess this post is to serve two functions. One of them is to tell you about my new job, and another is to announce my launch into geekebrity status.

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Independence Day

January 06, 2007

Friends of David Kadavy, rejoice! Given my current living situation, I was finally able to accomplish one of my life’s dreams. It’s been a long and hard road, but I made it! I am finally free…

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